
Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes - Douglas


Part I. A Strategy for Process Synthesis and Analysis
1. The Nature of Process Synthesis and Analysis
2. Engineering Economics
3. Economic Decision Makign: Design of a Solvent Recovery System

Part II. Developing a Conceptual Design and Finding the Best Flowsheet
4. Input Information and Batch versus Continuous 
5. Input-Output Structure of the Flowsheet
6. Recycle Structure of the Flowsheet
7. Separation System
8. Heat-Exchanger Networks
9. Cost Diagrams and the Quick Screening of Process Alternatives

Part III. Other Design Tools and Applications
10. Preliminary Process Optimization
11. Process Retrofits
12. Computer-Aided Design Programs (FLOWTRAN)
13. Summmary of the Cenceptual Design Procedure and Extensions of the Method

Part IV. Appendixes
A. Shortcut Procedures for Equipment Design
B. HDA Case Study
C. Design Data
E. Cost Data
F. Conversion Factors

Versión Original en Ingles Descargar
Versión Traducida y Resumida en Español Descargar

5 comentarios:

  1. muy bueno, si tienes los problemas 4.3-1, 5.4-2, 6.8-3, 7.6-4 y me los puedes proporcionar te dejo mi correo miguel038@hotmail.com

  2. muy buen aporte gracias!!!! :D

  3. Muchas gracias, fue de gran ayuda.


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